We mark the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at Launceston Church Grammar Senior School with the flying of the National Flag at half-staff and the offering of thanksgiving prayer at our Chapel services.
Queen Elizabeth II was an extraordinary Sovereign who served the Commonwealth for over 70 years. She had her share of challenges, but wrote in 2016,
I have been—and remain—very grateful to … God for His steadfast love. I have indeed seen His faithfulness. and
Christ’s example helps me see the value in doing small things with great love, whoever does them and whatever they themselves believe.
Prayer of thanksgiving for the life of Her Majesty the Queen
Great and gracious God,
We give thanks to you for the life of your servant Queen Elizabeth II.
We thank you for her life of service, her faithfulness and her kindness.
She has consistently shown us the values of goodness, courage and strength.
Lord, we give thanks.
We thank you for her witness to you,
her clear and positive faith,
her reliance on prayer,
and her life that demonstrated forgiveness, hope and perseverance.
Lord, we give thanks.
We thank you for the time she gave to others,
for the hope she imparted and for the dutiful leadership she demonstrated so often.
Thank you, Jesus, for your servant who lived a life of love, faith and hope –
a follower of Jesus who pointed others to you and lived as an example of salt and light in the world,
Now at peace in you.
Lord, we give thanks.
We pray now for her family, loved ones and others who will feel her passing most keenly.
Lord may your comfort and peace be with them.
In Jesus’ name,