The Launceston Grammar School uniform enables students to develop not only a sense of community and belonging, it also provides a visible link from one generation of students to the next. As custodians of this legacy, students are expected to wear the uniform with dignity, pride and respect.
The School has a winter and summer uniform with students wearing the summer uniform in Terms 1 and 4 and winter uniform in Term 2 and 3. Change over dates from summer to winter uniform is included in the school calendar. A school sport uniform is worn by students for sporting activities.
Order OnlineLaunceston Grammar Shop
Uniform items can be purchased at the Launceston Grammar Shop which is located at the Senior Campus, Mowbray. During term time the Launceston Grammar Shop is open:
Monday | 8.30am to 12.30pm |
Thursday | 12.30pm to 4.30pm |
Friday | 12.30pm to 4.30pm |
Important Uniform Dates
Winter uniform is the official uniform and can be worn all year round.
Winter Uniform is compulsory from June 3 2024.
Summer uniform can be worn from 2 Sept 2024.