Junior Campus Teacher, Timothy Brown was officially accredited as one of the first seven teachers in Tasmania to achieve certification as a HALT Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher with the Australian Institute for Teaching & School Leadership (AITSL). He has achieved the highest level of being acknowledged as a Lead Teacher. The Tasmanian HALT pilot is a unique, three-strand program designed to support teachers on their journey to achieving certification. It includes:
- a modular approach to certification
- enrolment in a Graduate Certificate of Education with the University of Tasmania
- professional learning sessions aligned to each certification module.
The HALT programme has been running since 2012 across mainland Australia and certification recognises and promotes the development of collaborative learning professionals who strive to continually reflect upon and improve their practice. Certification supports teachers to explore their practice at the Highly Accomplished or Lead career stage of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
HALT is a formal, comprehensive opportunity for teachers to reflect on their professional practice and receive external feedback. It provides professional growth and leadership opportunities from within the classroom, where teachers have the greatest potential to positively impact student well-being and learning outcomes. There are many benefits to having applicants and certified HALTs in your school, including to:
- recognise and promote quality teaching
- provide career progression and leadership opportunities from within the classroom
- have a reliable indication of quality teaching
- strengthen the professional growth culture in your school
- improve in-school and interschool collaboration
- enhanced capacity for a positive impact on student well-being and learning outcomes.
The Launceston Grammar community congratulates Mr Brown on this achievement and for taking part in this pioneering programme. Timothy was celebrated along with the other pilot participants at an event attended by Head of Junior Campus Sheona Carter as he received his award from the Minister for Education Children and Youth, Roger Jaensch MP.