Junior Campus

Research around the world over the past 20-years emphasises the overwhelmingly positive benefits of families, schools and communities working together with a shared understanding and focus on the needs of young people. Exemplary pastoral care and community involvement programmes are huge strengths for our students and their families, and this is evident in what is a happy, healthy, and welcoming school environment.

We teach a richer Australian curriculum by moving beyond the walls to help our students deeper conceptual hands-on learning about subjects that connect all of us.

Launceston Grammar’s Junior Campus has the reputation of a school who recognises individual differences and who strives to maximise the participation of learners from different abilities and backgrounds. The possibilities are endless!

Global Learning With IB PYP

Launceston Grammar has gained accreditation of the globally recognised International Baccalaureate (IB) World School with the implementation of the Primary Years Programme (PYP).

Taught in schools across the globe, the IB PYP provides benchmarks for what students should learn through the curriculum, guidelines for teaching methodology and clearly stated assessment practices. The programme also underpins high standards of literacy and numeracy – essential for our global learners and leaders of tomorrow.

In our school we address the Australian Curriculum, but we also transcend it and help our students to achieve rich conceptual learning about issues that connect humanity across the world.

Virtues and Values Based Education

At Launceston Grammar’s Junior Campus, our children thrive in a culture based on our rich history and valued traditions uniquely intertwined with an emphasis on contemporary learning. Our students are inspired by our School’s virtues, confidently becoming the best person they can be. The importance of respect and honesty are highly valued. Our students learn to become courageous and resilient as they embrace an ever-changing world.

From the Head of Junior Campus

At Launceston Grammar Junior Campus, children are nurtured and challenged in an inspiring learning environment. We are informed by 175 years of history and tradition, committed to engaging children in learning and excited about what the future holds.

Our Junior Campus is an accredited International Baccalaureate (IB) World School, implementing the Primary Years Programme (PYP) from Early Learning to Grade 6. The PYP an approach to education which views children as active learners, who acquire knowledge, skills and understanding through a balance of explicit teaching and inquiry-based learning. We provide a strong foundation in numeracy and literacy while supporting students to become curious, self-motivated and inquiring learners. Our curriculum is aligned with the Australian Curriculum.

Real world learning takes place in welcoming environments where our educators foster meaningful relationships. As we know our children well, the transition from Early Learning to School is very smooth.

Learning at Launceston Grammar is enjoyable, relevant and engaging – our School is a great place!

Sheona Carter
Head of Junior Campus

Request A Prospectus

Our Prospectus has been specifically designed to give prospective parents and students an insight into both the unique philosophy and ethos of Launceston Grammar. Complete the form to receive our Prospectus.


Junior Campus Prospectus

Book A Tour

Learn about the unique and broad opportunities we offer students at our Junior Campus. During your Discovery visit, you will hear more about our School’s vision for our students, tour our classrooms and facilities, meet students and staff, and ask questions.