Fraser House Captains Jarvis Heggarty-Henderson and Kathryn Hill presented a cheque for $2880 to Brent Colgrave of Fragile X. During Terms 2 and 3, students across Fraser House raised money and awareness for Fragile X.
Fragile X-associated Disorders are a family of inherited conditions caused by alterations (expansions) in the FMR1 gene (Fragile X gene) which is located on the X chromosome. These disorders include a wide range of physical, intellectual and behavioural symptoms that can affect family members in different ways. It is estimated that about 90,000 people in Australia are impacted by Fragile X in some way – as carriers of Fragile X, or with Fragile X syndrome.
Fragile X syndrome is the leading cause of inherited intellectual disability, affecting about 1 in 4,000 males and about 1 in 6,000 females. Both males and females can be carriers of the Fragile X gene alteration and are called premutation carriers. About 1 in 250 women and 1 in 800 men are Fragile X premutation carriers.
Funds raised will go towards supporting Tasmanian Fragile X Families. Learn more about the work they do here.